All vehicles manufactured after 1995 have a coded immobiliser system. The key contains a (transponder) code that must match the code in the vehicles engine management system in order to start the engine.
If you only have one key for your vehicle we strongly recommend that you obtain a spare. If your only key is lost getting your vehicle back on the road could cost you as much as 20 times the price of a second key.
Locksmith4u have a specialist division solely dedicated to the automotive industry equipped with state of the art technology, LOST, STOLEN and BROKEN CAR KEYS are our business, carrying over 700 ignition, door and boot locks to suit most makes and models there are very few incidents we cannot overcome.
Our engineers will come to your vehicle, gain entry and if necessary make a new key with the minimum inconvenience to you and at a fraction of the price charged by vehicle dealers.
- We cut keys to code
- Copy (transponder) coded keys
- Programme keys to vehicles
In order for us to provide accurate information regarding your key requirements please fill in the form below.
Please complete the form above if you already have a key for your vehicle and require additional keys.
If you have lost all your keys, your vehicle is located in Essex,Hertfordshire North or East london and require urgent assistance call 07956 345006 to speak directly to an engineer.